Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

The Vandalism of Barnett Newman's Paintings

Barnett Newman, a pivotal figure in Abstract Expressionism and Color Field painting, created works that provoke both profound admiration and controversy. As a Jewish American artist, his contributions to modern art are notable for their emphasis on spirituality, simplicity, and the exploration of the sublime. Yet, his works have also been targets of vandalism, revealing deeper societal tensions and misunderstandings surrounding abstract art. This article delves into the instances of vandalism against Newman's paintings, exploring the motivations behind these acts, their impact on the art world, and the challenges of restoration.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

Conservation Challenges of 20th-Century Artworks

The 20th century marked a pivotal era in the field of art conservation, presenting unprecedented challenges and spurring remarkable innovations. As artistic practices evolved rapidly and new materials emerged, conservators found themselves grappling with complex issues that demanded fresh approaches and methodologies. This article explores the key conservation challenges that arose during this transformative century and examines how the field adapted to meet these new demands.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

Illuminating the Past: How Fluorescence is Revolutionizing Art Restoration

In the world of art conservation, a groundbreaking development has emerged that promises to transform the way we approach the restoration of historic paintings. A team of researchers, in 2023, from King's College London and the University of Edinburgh has developed a novel technology that harnesses the power of fluorescence to remove the guesswork from painting conservation. This innovative approach, utilizing macroscopic fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM), offers unprecedented accuracy in identifying and removing old varnish from paintings, potentially revolutionizing the field of art restoration.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

Behind the Painting: The Unequal Marriage

"The Unequal Marriage" is a notable oil painting by Vasili Vladimirovich Pukirev, a Russian artist who gained prominence in the 19th century. Created in 1862, this painting is widely recognized for its poignant portrayal of a marriage ceremony characterized by a stark contrast between the bride and the groom. Pukirev’s work not only reflects his artistic prowess but also offers a critical commentary on the societal norms and issues of his time. This analysis aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the painting, covering its visual aspects, the background of the artist, details about the subjects depicted, the historical context, and the symbolic meanings embedded within the artwork.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

Bitumen in Art: Beauty and Degradation

Bitumen, also known as asphaltum or simply asphalt in some regions, is a naturally occurring, highly viscous form of petroleum. This complex hydrocarbon substance has been utilised by humans for millennia, with its applications ranging from construction and waterproofing to its use as a pigment in art. Bitumen's deep brown to black colouration and its ability to produce a glossy finish have made it an attractive option for artists throughout history.

The use of bitumen as a pigment dates back to prehistoric times, with evidence of its application found in cave paintings dating back tens of thousands of years. Ancient civilisations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley were among the first to exploit bitumen's versatile properties, using it not only in art but also for waterproofing, as a binding agent in construction, and even in early forms of mummification.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

Behind the Painting: Pompeo Batoni’s Sad Family Portrait

Pompeo Batoni's portrait of Sir Thomas Barrett-Lennard, his wife Anna Maria Pratt, and their daughter Barbara Anne is a poignant testament to the profound emotional and social dynamics of the 18th-century British aristocracy. This family portrait, capturing a moment of introspective sadness, encapsulates both the personal depth and the cultural milieu of its subjects. As the Barrett-Lennard family navigates their emotions, the overall composition of the painting reveal layers of meaning that extend beyond mere representation, reflecting their somber dignity and understated elegance. This article delves into the artist behind the work, the historical context of the portrait, and the rich symbolism embedded within this evocative piece.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

Masterpieces by Cézanne and Renoir Unveiled in Milan for 150th Anniversary of Impressionism

In celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Impressionism, an extraordinary new exhibition has opened at Milan's Palazzo Reale. The exhibition brings together 52 masterpieces by two of the movement's most influential figures - Paul Cézanne and Pierre-Auguste Renoir. The works on display span from the pioneering 1870s through the early 20th century, allowing visitors to trace the evolution of these French artists' groundbreaking styles. I had the privilege of visiting this remarkable exhibition and witnessing firsthand the profound impact of these two masters on the art world.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

SARDINES: The Finale

Our degree show, Sardines, has now concluded, and the deinstallation process is underway. I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who attended the opening night, which turned out to be the largest the university has seen in recent years, with over 200 people in attendance. It was incredible to witness such a tremendous turnout, affirming the value of our hard work.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

SARDINES - Opening Night

The countdown is finally over - tomorrow is opening night for "SARDINES", our degree show at the University of Leeds. After months of tireless work, countless sacrifices, and more than a few headaches, we're just hours away from unveiling our labor of love to the world.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

Sardines Exhibition - Coming Soon!

From the success of the "Open Bracket" exhibition, a powerful testament to what can be achieved through teamwork and sheer determination, we found ourselves embarking on an even more ambitious creative endeavor - the "Sardines" Degree Show. This would be the final showcase for our Bachelor's of Fine Art program, and the road ahead looked to be paved with unprecedented challenges. Corralling the unique visions of over 40 artists into one cohesive, captivating exhibition would be no small feat. It was a daunting journey that would stretch our resources, test our stamina, and demand every ounce of our passion and resilience. But the prospect of manifesting something extraordinary through the solidarity of our diverse collective drove us onward with an electrifying sense of purpose. United, we began laying the collaborative groundwork for an arts experience like no other - a culminating tour de force to cap off our undergraduate arts education.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

Palettes: A Comprehensive Guide to Oil Painting

The palette, an essential tool in the art of oil painting, serves not only as a physical platform for mixing paints but also symbolically represents the painter's personal field of creativity. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various aspects of palettes, including their history, types, materials, setup, and maintenance, offering insights for both novice and experienced artists.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

Behind the Painting: Self-Portrait with Death Playing the Fiddle

If you engage with social media platforms such as TikTok, you may have encountered Arnold Böcklin's seminal artwork, "Self-Portrait with Death Playing the Fiddle" starring in a recent trend. This painting masterfully combines elements of Romanticism with the profound symbols of the memento mori and danse macabre traditions that pervade European art. It offers a compelling exploration of mortality, artistry, and the inexorable passage of time, uniquely depicted through the interaction between the artist and a skeletal figure. The presence of death in this self-portrait invites viewers to reflect on their own lives while illustrating the timeless relevance of Böcklin’s themes.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

The Implications of Art Forgery

Art forgery involves creating and selling works of art that are falsely attributed to famous artists. This deceptive practice has profound implications for the art market, legal frameworks, cultural heritage, and scholarly research. This paper examines the dynamics of art forgery, analyzing its impact through various case studies and discussing the legal, ethical, and economic ramifications.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

Artist’s Palette: Rhiannon Piper

An artist's palette is pivotal in defining their visual expression and style. This article dissects the curated palette of myself, Rhiannon Piper, detailing the historical context of each chosen pigment and their specific utility in my work. While it's true that palettes are ever-evolving, and I must admit a penchant for experimentation, the majority of my color choices have remained consistent over the last three years. The exception to this stability is a recent addition, which I will detail later. This exploration is the first in a potential series where I aim to examine the palettes of various artists and how these selections resonate with their artistic output.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

The Evolution of Vermilion

Vermilion, known for its vivid, bright red hue, has played a significant role in the art and cultural expressions of societies throughout history. This pigment, whose primary component is mercury sulfide (HgS), presents a fascinating study of both the technological advancements in pigment production and the shifting paradigms of its cultural significance and usage.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

Behind the Painting: The Execution of Lady Jane Grey

The "Execution of Lady Jane Grey" is a seminal work by French painter Paul Delaroche, completed in 1833. This painting is renowned for its poignant representation of the moments preceding the execution of Lady Jane Grey, a figure whose brief reign and tragic demise have cemented her place in English history. Delaroche's work is characterized by its emotional depth, historical accuracy, and intricate detail, elements that combine to offer a compelling narrative beyond its visual appeal. This analysis aims to dissect the painting's composition, explore the artist's motivations and historical context, delve into its symbolism, and conclude with its lasting impact on art and historical interpretation.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

How to Write an Artist’s CV

Recently, I was made aware of the existence of artist CVs, a concept distinctly separate from the typical curriculum vitae. This alluded me, likely because my own career aspirations are directed towards art restoration and conservation, rather than the path of a practicing artist so I have not found a need for an Artist’s CV in the past. Despite this divergence in professional interests, the notion of an artist CV piqued my curiosity, prompting a deep dive into its structure, purpose, and significance. This exploration, born out of personal intrigue, has yielded insights that I believe could be beneficial to others who might be unfamiliar with this specialized professional document. Hence, I wish to share my findings on the topic, highlighting the distinctions between an artist CV and a conventional CV, and underscoring its critical role within the art community.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

Intersecting Worlds: The Synergistic Dynamics of Art, Science, and Research

The exploration of the relationship between art and science necessitates a clear understanding of both domains. Art encompasses a wide range of human activities in creating visual, auditory, or performed artifacts, expressing the author's imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Science, in contrast, is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. At the intersection of art and science lies a rich field of inquiry where creativity meets rigor, and intuition intersects with empirical investigation.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

Ultramarine: Beyond the Blue

The journey of ultramarine from the remote lapis lazuli mines of Afghanistan to the esteemed canvases of the Renaissance and beyond is a fascinating narrative of art, science, and commerce. Ultramarine, renowned for its deep and captivating blue, has not only been a symbol of wealth and divine beauty but also a subject of relentless scientific inquiry leading to the creation of its synthetic counterpart. This exploration delves into the multifaceted history of ultramarine, examining its nomenclature, sourcing, the challenges and triumphs of its integration into artists' palettes, and its depiction in iconic artworks. Further, it contrasts the nuanced differences in colour between the authentic pigment derived from natural lapis lazuli and its synthetic version, underscoring the advancements in chemical synthesis that have democratized access to this once-exclusive color. The narrative of ultramarine is not merely about a pigment but encapsulates a broader discourse on the intersection of natural resources, artistic endeavor, and technological innovation.

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Rhiannon Piper Rhiannon Piper

Navigating Artist's Block Amid Stress: A Personal Reflection on Reimagining Failed Artworks

In the coming three weeks, I anticipate an unprecedented level of stress, a predicament many find themselves in due to various life circumstances. It's within this context that artist's block has emerged as a significant side effect, complicating my creative process further. This reflection delves into the challenges posed by a large-scale painting project that fell short of expectations, and how I've approached the issue of artist's block, especially under the looming shadow of stress.

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